Looking for a job...
페이지 정보
I was wondering if anybody could give me a job.
The winter retreat is 160 dollars per person and I was thinking of getting a job...
There are about 9 people in our youth group.
And, 9*160 is a lot of money.
Please help and support us...
I can do lots of jobs too.
For example, I could babysit, clean, teach, and other different house duties for really cheap.
I even have a ride there, so please call at 17148820442.
Thank you.
홍승표님의 댓글
홍승표쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일
When is the Winter retreat?
I will see if I can come up with something for you to do.
You are the first one to display an ad seeking a job and you know the old saying, "Early bird gets the worm." I am sure if anybody has a job, you will be the first to get hired.
노요한님의 댓글
노요한쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일
Hi, Heidi and all youth!
We'll see what we can do about your request.
You probably would give us the idea when you are available, day and time or so.
It is very nice of you to have a desire of attending the winter retreat.
I and Mrs. Roh are very impressed.
We'll keep praying for you and the retreat.