교회당 청소,수리 봉사에 참여하기 바랍니다.
페이지 정보
우리가 사용하는 교회당 건물 청소, 수리 및 환경정리를 위한 봉사의 기회입니다.
일시: 2010년 2월 20일 (금주 토요일) 오전 8:00-12:00
형제님들은 주로 건물청소, 수리 및 외곽에서 할일이 있고,
자매님들은 부엌과 식당에 관한 일이 준비되어 있습니다.
이번 토요일에는 우리 교회 청소년 Bike Challenge가 이미 계획되어 있어 겹치는 고로,
Bike Challenge에 참여하지 않는 분들은 교회당 청소 및 환경정리에 헌신하기 바랍니다.
우리가 함께 사용하는 건물인 만큼 책임감을 가지고 봉사해야 되리라 믿습니다.
참가하기를 원하는 분들은 여기에 댓글을 달아 주시기 바랍니다.
그리고 당일 오전 8:00까지 교회당으로 오십시요.
이아브라함님의 댓글
이아브라함쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일
참고로 Pat Herring 목사님이 보낸 일할 내용을 여기 첨부합니다.
Work Day projects for Saturday, February 20, 2010
Ladies: Kitchen - microwaves, sinks, refrigerators to be cleaned
Long storage counter needs re-organized
Counter tops need cleaned and disinfected
Pews need organized and giving envelopes replenished
Change tablecloths in the Welcome Center
Run showers and bleach wash the pee traps in Bldg. #400
Wash down the drinking fountain in the hall.
Both upstairs bathrooms need to be mopped and cleaned.
The toilets need a good scrubbing in Bldg. #200.
The stains from the ice machine dripping needs scrubbing with a brush.
Men: Welcome Center: Rain has damaged baseboard in the inside on the south wall near
the double entry glass doors.
Toilet seat cover holder has fallen off the wall in Bldg. #300 upstairs in the ladies
bathroom, middle stall.
The ceiling is showing signs of cracking also.
Rooms in Bldg. #200 can be readied for the Texas Crew.
Shelves need put in the wall unit upstairs in the most south/westerly room.
There is a bookcase laying on its side in the hall upstairs that can probably be
disposed of.
It would be helpful to put a cubby unit in some of the rooms upstairs so
the students have room to put their personal items.
The big trash dumpster needs moved out and all the trash & garbage shoveled up.
Terry & Kathy will pick up lawn fertilizer Friday and do the front lawn & the green
Then the sprinklers need turned on after that is done.
The can opener on the kitchen wall is not working so it needs taken down.
The filter on the ice machine needs to be removed and washed out or replaced.
The drinking fountains on both floors of Bldg. #200 need to be washed down.
The personal items in Carol Caltharp's old office need to be boxed up and put in the
old crisis closet until she can pick them up.
There are still pieces of furniture in that room that might be able to be disposed.
In one of the downstairs rooms of Bldg. #200 the plastic light shield needs tipped up
so the rain water can drain. By Saturday it may have already evaporated.