황예준 형제 침례 간증
페이지 정보
나에게 침례의식은 단순히 그리스도를 영접한 상징을 넘어서 그리스도의 몸과 하나되는 결혼예식으로 생각됩니다. 그래서 저에게는 침례가 단지 물속에 들어가는 것 이상의 의미를 가지며 예수 그리스도의 죽으심과 부활과 구원에 영원히 헌신하는 일생을 받아들이는 결단입니다. 그러므로 저는 지금 그리스도인의 살아온 지난 날들을 돌아보며 그렇게 신실하지 못했던 것들을 반성합니다. 내가 믿는 것과는 달리 어떤 면에서는 기독교라는 것이 삶의 방식이기보다는 하나의 종교를 대충 믿어 왔었습니다. 더구나 목사님 집안에 태어나 그리스도인이 된다는 것이 나 스스로의 결정이라기 보다는 하나의 문화였던 부분도 있었습니다. 이 세상의 방식에 젖어들어서 그리스도를 믿는다는 것이 세상의 풍조를 따르지 않고 마음을 새롭게 하여 변화되어야 하는 것이라는 것을 잠시 잊고 살았었습니다.
따라서 이번 침례 의식이 나에게 그리스도인 됨이 더 이상 말로만 하는 것이 아니라 하나님이 보시기에도 합당한 행함이 있는 자로 다시 헌신하는 계기로 삼으려고 합니다. 저는 침례를 통해 내 마음과 혼과 영을 다해주님을 사랑하고 다른 사람들을 사랑하며 사랑받는 약속의 시간으로 삼기를 원합니다. 침례가 새로운 탄생의 상징인것 처럼 그리스도인으로서의 매일의 삶 속에 침례가 일어나기를 원한다. 만약 누가 황 예준은 그리스도의 몸을 구원의 합당한 배우자로 받아들이냐고 묻는다면 나는 ‘그렇다’고 대답할 것입니다.
Baptism, as I have learned is not simply a symbol of the acceptance of Christ but it is also a marriage ceremony of oneself and with the body of Christ. In that manner, it seems that baptism is to be regarded as something more than the submersion of oneself into water, it is an acceptance of a lifelong, everlasting commitment to the belief in the death, resurrection, and salvation of Christ Jesus. And thus, as I reflect upon my Christian life thus far, I realize only now that my commitment to Christ has not been what is ought to be. In some ways, contrary to my own belief system, I have been living as a casual Christian, using Christianity as a mere religion rather than a lifestyle. Also, being born into the family of a pastor, Christianity has unfortunately become more of a cultural aspect of my life rather than being a self-recognized decision of righteous living. Being tied to the ways of the world, I have forgotten that belief in Christ is a transformation of oneself and the renewing of one’s mind to no longer conform to what the world says is good (Romans 12:2).
I therefore regard this baptism as a new commitment of myself to living a life that does not proclaim myself as a Christian by mere words, but proclaims myself as a follower of the way through the actions of myself as seen by not just others but by the Father. I take this baptism as a pledge to living a life that is Christ-like - loving the Lord with all my heart, mind, and soul and treating my neighbors with love in the way that I wish to be loved by them. As baptism is symbolic of a new birth, I plan on acknowledging that fact and applying the meaning of baptism into my daily walk with Christ. If I were asked whether I, Ye Joon Hwang, take the body of Christ as my lawfully wedded salvation, all I need say is: I do.
따라서 이번 침례 의식이 나에게 그리스도인 됨이 더 이상 말로만 하는 것이 아니라 하나님이 보시기에도 합당한 행함이 있는 자로 다시 헌신하는 계기로 삼으려고 합니다. 저는 침례를 통해 내 마음과 혼과 영을 다해주님을 사랑하고 다른 사람들을 사랑하며 사랑받는 약속의 시간으로 삼기를 원합니다. 침례가 새로운 탄생의 상징인것 처럼 그리스도인으로서의 매일의 삶 속에 침례가 일어나기를 원한다. 만약 누가 황 예준은 그리스도의 몸을 구원의 합당한 배우자로 받아들이냐고 묻는다면 나는 ‘그렇다’고 대답할 것입니다.
Baptism, as I have learned is not simply a symbol of the acceptance of Christ but it is also a marriage ceremony of oneself and with the body of Christ. In that manner, it seems that baptism is to be regarded as something more than the submersion of oneself into water, it is an acceptance of a lifelong, everlasting commitment to the belief in the death, resurrection, and salvation of Christ Jesus. And thus, as I reflect upon my Christian life thus far, I realize only now that my commitment to Christ has not been what is ought to be. In some ways, contrary to my own belief system, I have been living as a casual Christian, using Christianity as a mere religion rather than a lifestyle. Also, being born into the family of a pastor, Christianity has unfortunately become more of a cultural aspect of my life rather than being a self-recognized decision of righteous living. Being tied to the ways of the world, I have forgotten that belief in Christ is a transformation of oneself and the renewing of one’s mind to no longer conform to what the world says is good (Romans 12:2).
I therefore regard this baptism as a new commitment of myself to living a life that does not proclaim myself as a Christian by mere words, but proclaims myself as a follower of the way through the actions of myself as seen by not just others but by the Father. I take this baptism as a pledge to living a life that is Christ-like - loving the Lord with all my heart, mind, and soul and treating my neighbors with love in the way that I wish to be loved by them. As baptism is symbolic of a new birth, I plan on acknowledging that fact and applying the meaning of baptism into my daily walk with Christ. If I were asked whether I, Ye Joon Hwang, take the body of Christ as my lawfully wedded salvation, all I need say is: I do.
박천민님의 댓글
박천민쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일Yes, baptism is more than religious ritual. It's our confession and expressio of our commitment to the Lord and His body, church. I am amazed of your understanding of the nature of baptism. I pray that as time goes by, you may have still better understanding and application of baptism as we all need as followers of Christ. Now that you were baptized, i hope you have more sense of belong to Christ and this body of Christ, 21st Century Baptist Church. God bless you.