FOR LISTENING 01-11-10 (MON) > 영어교실

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영어 교실


선생님 FOR LISTENING 01-11-10 (MON)

페이지 정보


Daily Preview of Reality

You look like you got punched in the stomach

Faith : Jeez, Toby, what's wrong? You look like you got punched in the stomach.

Toby : How much did Eric tell you he earned shoveling snow at the red house a couple of doors down?

Faith : Twenty dollars? I already told you that. Why?

Toby : I just found out that they paid him fifty dollars, not twenty.

Faith : So, he lied to us so he can give you twenty and keep thirty.

Toby : He lied to you. Now it's my turn. I'm going to go upstairs and ask for the money.

Faith : What are you going to do when he gives you twenty dollars not fifty?

Toby : I don't know. But I've got to calm down before going up there. It's going to be bad for him though,

because I'm going to punish him so hard that when he has kids, they'll be born grounded!

화난 표정

Faith : 세상에, Toby, 왜 그래요? 배를 얻어 맞은 사람 같이.

Toby : Eric이 한 집 건너 붉은 집 눈 치워 주고 얼마 받았다고 했어?

Faith : 20달러. 아까 말했잖아요. 왜?

Toby : 방금 알게 됐는데 20달러가 아니고 50달러를 주셨대.

Faith : 그럼 당신에게 20달러만 주고 30달러는 가지려고 우리에게 거짓말을 한 거네.

Toby : 당신에게 거짓말을 한 거야. 이제 내 차례로군. 2층에 올라가서 돈을 달라고 해야 겠어.

Faith : 50달러가 아니라 20달러만 주명 어떻게 할 거예요?

Toby :몰라, 하지만 올라가지 전에 진정을 해야겠어. 그런데 Eric은 이제 큰일 났군.

Eric이 나중에 아빠가 되면 태어나면부터 외출금지인 아기가 나올 만큼 내가호되게 야단칠 거니까.

Key words & Phrases

■ get punched in the stomach 배를 얻어맞다.

get punched in the face 얼굴을 맞다.

■ turn 순번, 차례; 기회

It's your turn now. 이제 너의 차례야.

■ calm down 가라앉히다. 진정하다

become less angry, upset, or excited

We both need to calm down. (우리 둘다 진정해야 해.)

■ punish <사람, 죄를> 벌하다, 응징하다

make them suffer in some way because they have done something wrong

punish a person for his crime ~의 죄를 벌하다.

Listening shortcuts

● got punched in the stomach

You look like you got punched in the stomach.

● I already told you that.

I already told you that.

● I just found out

I just found out that they paid him fifty dollars.

● lied to us

So, he lied to us.

Today's News

Indonesia deports Greenpeace activists, journalists

-In Indonesia, foreign activists with the environmental group Greenpeace and two foreign journalists are being deported.

Tom Keunen, a Belgain activist with the environmental group Greenpeace, says the Indonesian police who detained him at first accused him of being a spy. They also kept changing the name of the department they represent. "The first time I met them, they were immigration. The second time I met them, they presented themselves as secret service. The third time I met them, they presented themselves as some other police service. And then yesterday, finally it comes true that they are actually reconnaissance intelligence from the Jakarta national police." Keunen is one of two Greenpeace activists and two journalists being deported from Indonesia. In October, the environmental group brought activists from around world to the island of Sumatra to publicize how clearing forests may contribute to global warming.

'-VOA news, 18 November 2009

Check up

1. Tom Keunen is the president of Greenpeace. [ True / False ]

2. The Indonesian police who ___________ him at first accused him of being a spy.

3. Keunen is deported from Indonesia because he is a spy. [ True / False ]

Answers 1. False 2. detained 3. False

그린피스 운동가들을 추방하는 인도네시아

환경 단체 그린피스에서 일하는 벨기에 출신 운동가 탐 큐넌은 인도네시아 경찰이 자신을 억류하면서 처음에 간첩 활동을 했다느 혐의를 씌웠다고 말한다. 또 어느 부서 소속인지에 대해 자꾸 말을 바꾸었다고 한다. "처음 만났을 때는 이민국 직원이라고 하더니, 두 번째 만났을 때는 첩보국 소속이라고 하더군요. 세 번째는 무슨 다른 경찰국에서 나왔다고 말했습니다.그러더니 어제 드디어, 그들이 자카르타 국립 경찰 정찰 정보 담당자들이라는 사실이 밝혀졌습니다." 큐넌을 비록해 그린피스 운동가 두명과 기자 두명이 인도네시아에서 추방된다. 지난 10월, 이 환경 단체는 숲을 벌목하는 것이 지구 온난화에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 알리기 위해 전 세계에서 운동가들을 모집해 수마트라 섬으로 데리고 갔었다.


■ activist (정치적) 행동주의자, 운동가, 활동가

a person who works to bring about political or social changes by campaigning in public or working for an organization

■ immigration 이민국, 입국 관리

the place at a port, airport, or international border where officials check the passports of people who wish to come into the country.

immigration office 출입국 관리 사무소

■ secret service 첩보 기관, 검찰국, 비밀 경호 관리국

a secret government department whose job is to fine out enemy secrets and to prevent its own government's secrets from being discovered

■ reconnaissance 정찰대

the activity of obtaining military information about a place by sending soldiers or planes there, or by the use of satellites

reconnaissance satellite 정찰 위성

■ deport 국외로 추방하다


They deported the criminals from their country. (그들은 범죄자들을 국외로 추방했다.)


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사이트 정보

회사명 : 회사명 / 대표 : 대표자명
주소 : OO도 OO시 OO구 OO동 123-45
사업자 등록번호 : 123-45-67890
전화 : 02-123-4567 팩스 : 02-123-4568
통신판매업신고번호 : 제 OO구 - 123호
개인정보관리책임자 : 정보책임자명

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