FOR LISTENING 01-13-10 (WED) > 영어교실

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영어 교실


선생님 FOR LISTENING 01-13-10 (WED)

페이지 정보


Daily Preview of Reality

Take a gander at this

Brad : Morning, Lisa. Hey, come in here and take a gander at this.

Lisa : Wow, Look at that. My dad has a civil war cutlass,too. It's an heirloom that I'm sure will be in my family forever.

He cherished it and takes great care of it. Why'd you bring it to work?

Brad : Cody wanted to see it.

Lisa : Wow, look at this. The leather on the grip is in great condition. Hey, wait a minute. where'd you say you got this?

Brad :eBay.

Lisa : I bet the seller's name was Richard, wasn't it?

Brad : Yes. How'dja know that?

Lisa : Did you happen to notice he has the same last name as me? Brad, this is my dad's sword!

이것 좀 봐요

Brad : 안녕, Lisa. 아, 이리 들어와서 이것 좀 봐요.

Lisa : 와, 세상에. 우리 아버지에게도 남북전쟁 때 검이 있는데, 우리 가족 대대로 물려줄 가보예요.

소중히 여기시며 잘 관리하신답니다. 이거 왜 회사에 가져 왔어요?

Brad : Cody가 보고 싶어해서요.

Lisa : 와, 이것 좀 봐요. 손잡이 가죽 상태가 정말 좋은데. 어, 잠깐만. 이거 어디서 샀다고 했죠?

Brad : eBay에서 샀는데요.

Lisa : 판매자 이름이 Richard였죠?

Brad : 맞아요. 어떻게 알았어요?

Lisa : 성이 나와 똑같다는 것 알아챘나요? Brad, 이거 우리 아버지 칼이에요!

Key words & Phrases

■ take a gander 한번(흘낏)보다

take a look; to check or examine

■ cutlass (휘고 폭이 넓은) 검

a short sword

■ heirloom 가보, 세습 재산

an ornament or other object that has belonged to a family for a very long time and

that has been handed from one generation to another

■ cherish 고이 간직하다, 소중히 하다

If you cherish someone or something, you take good care of them because you love them

Listening shortcuts

● Why'd you

Why'd you bring it to work?

● wanted to

Cody wanted to see it.

● How'dja

How'dja know that?

● sword

This is my dad's sword!

Today's News

Britian apologizes to child migrants

-The British government is apologizing for child migrant programs.

As many as 150,000 poor British children were shipped off to the colonies over 350 years, often taken from struggling families under programs intended to provide them with the new start. Forty years after the program stopped, Britian is apologizing to the child migrants, who were promised a better life only to suffer abuse and neglect thousands of miles from home. The British government said the Prime Minister Goldon Brown would apologize for child migrant programs that sent boys and girls as young as 3 to Australia, Canada, and other former colonies. Many ended up in institutions where they were physically and sexually abused or were sent to work as farm laborers.

-The Associated Press

Check up

1. As many as 150,000 poor British children were shipped off to the colonies over 350 years. [ True / False ]

2. Britian is apologizing to the child __________ .

3. The child migrant enjoyed a better life in the colonies. [ True / False ]

Answers 1. True 2. migrants 3. False

영국, 과거 아동 이주에 대해 사과

가난한 집안의 아이들에게 새 출발을 제공한다는 명분하에, 과거 350년에 걸쳐 최대 150,000명의 영국 빈곤층 아동들이 해외 식민지로 보내졌다. 이같은 이주 계획이 중단된지 40년 만에 영국이 이주 아동들에게 사죄의 뜻을 표명한다. 당초 더 나은 삶을 약속했지만 이주 아동들이 집에서 수천 마일 떨어진 곳에서 학대와 무시 속에 살아 왔기 때문. 영국 정부는 호주와 캐나다를 비롯한 과거의 식민지로 이주한 아이들 가운데 겨우 세 살짜리도 있었던 이같은 이주 아동 계획에 대해 고든 브라운 총리가 사과한다고 발표했다. 많은 아이들이 공공시설에 수용되어 신체적, 성적학대를 받았으며 농장에 보내져 노동을 하기도 했다.


■ colony 식민지

a territory under the immediate political control of a state

■ struggling 분투하는, 고통 받는

make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition

struggling with the problem 문제와 씨름하는

■ migrant 이주자

migrant worker 이주 노동자

■ neglect 무시, 등한시, 경시

a passive form of abuse in which the perpetrator is responsible to provide care for a victim

who is unable to care for oneself, but fails to provide adequate care

■ institution (공공)시설(학교,병원,교회등)

put a person into a institution ~을 시설(정신병원)에 넣다


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