FOR LISTENING 12-15-09 (TU) > 영어교실

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영어 교실


선생님 FOR LISTENING 12-15-09 (TU)

페이지 정보


Daily Preview of Reality

Armed to the teeth

Sam : I'm totally serious, Lisa. Brad has an actual civil war cutlass.

I was just at his house over the weekend and he showed it to me.

Lisa : Hmm. I think it's neat.

Sam : I didn't know that Brad was into that stuff. But he has a lot of it.

Lisa : He has more than that one sword?

Sam : You've got to be kidding me. The man is armed to the teeth!

Lisa : What elas does he have?

Sam : You name it, he's got it. He has throwing stars, knives, swords...

Lisa : I'm not surprised...


Sam : 진짜라느까요, Lisa. Brad가 실제 남북전쟁 때 쓰였던 단검을 소유하고 있다고요. 주말에 집에 놀러갔더니 보여 주던데요.

Lisa : 흠. 멋지다고 생각하는데요 나는.

Sam : Brad가 그런 것들에 취미가 있는지 몰랐어요. 어쨋든 여러 개 가지고 있더라고요.

Lisa : 그 칼 한 자루가 다가 아니예요?

Sam : 다일라 없죠. 완전무장을 했다니까요!

Lisa : 또 뭐가 있던가요?

Sam : 말만 해보세요. 다 있으니까. 표창에, 칼에, 검에...

Lisa : 놀랍진 않아요...

Key words & Phrases

■ cutlass (휘고 폭이 넓은) 단검

■ sword 검, 칼

a long-edged piece of metal, used as a cutting and/or thrusting weapon in many civilizations throughout the world

■ armed to the teeth 완전무장한

carrying a lot of weapons or a lot of things needed for a particular purpose

■ throwing star 표창

Listening shortcuts

● cutlass

Brad has an actual civil war cutlass.

● has a lot of it

Brad has a lot of it.

● sword

He has more than that one sword?

● armed to the teeth

The man is armed to the teeth!

Today's News

Jobless rise for OECD countries

-The OECD has said that unemployment in its member nations has risen.

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has said unemployment in its member countries has edged higher.The jobless rate in OECD nations was 8.6% in August, up from 8.5% in July and from 6.3% in August 2008. The organization has predicted that the rate could near 10% next year, and last month called for innovative policies to tackled high global umemployment. There have been signs of recovery in many OECD member-states including France, Germany and Japan, who have all pulled out recession after their economies registered growth. However unemployment tends to rise even after growth has returned to an economy.

-BBC News,

Check up

1. The jobless rate in OECD nations was 8.6% in August. [ True / False ]

2. The unemployment rate could ______ 10% next year.

3. There have been signs of recovery in many OECD member-states. [ True / False ]

Answers 1. True 2. near 3. True

OECD 회원국 실업률 증가

경제 협력 개발 기구 (OECD)가 회원국 실업률이 약간 상승했다고 발표했다. 8월 OECD 회원국들의 실업률은 8.6%로, 7월의 8.5%와 2008년 8월의 6.3% 보다 높아졌다. OECD는 내년의 실업률은 10% 가까이 될 것으로 전망 했으며 지난 달에는 전 세계적인 실엄을 해소할 수 있는 혁신적 정책들이 피요하다고 역설했다. 프랑스와 독일, 일본은 경제가 성장하면서 불황에서 벗어나는 등 회복의 기미가 보여 왔다. 하지만 경제가 성장세로 돌아선 후에도 실업률은 높아지는 경향이 있다.


edge (일정한 방향으로) 비스듬히 나아가다, 조금씩 나아가다.

competitive edge 경쟁력

near ~에 접근하다.


call for 청하다,요구하다

If a situationn calls for a particular action or quality, it needs or require it.

The situation doesn't call for such behavior. (그런 행동을 할 필요가 없다.)

tackle (일 등에) 부딪치다, (문제 등을) 다루다

tackle a problem 문제를 다루다

register 등록하다; 기록하다


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

사이트 정보

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