For listening 05-19-09 (TUE) > 영어교실

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영어 교실


선생님 For listening 05-19-09 (TUE)

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귀가트이는영어-귀트영-EBS 4월 18일

<> - Judge rules TV essential
A Brazilian judge awarded $2,600 in damages to a man who sued a store for not replacing his faulty TV set, ruling that it was an “essential good” needed to watch soccer and a popular reality TV show. The customer took Casas Bahia, Brazil’s largest home appliances retail chain, to court for “moral damages” inflicted by not being able to watch television. “In modern damage life, you cannot deny that a TV set, present in almost all homes, is considered an essential good,” ruled the judge.

TV는 꼭 필요해
고장난 TV를 교환해 주니 않는다며 상점을 고소한 남성에게 브라질의 한 판사가 2,600달러의 배상 판결을 내렸다. 이 판사는 판결문에서, TV는 축구와 인기 리얼리티 쇼를 보는 데 필요한 ‘필수품’이라고 말했다. 브라질 최대의 가전 제품 소매 체인지 카사스 바이아를 상대로 소를 제기한 고객은 TV를 보지 못한 데 따른 ‘도덕적 배상’을 법원에 청구한 것으로 나타났다. 판사는 판결문을 통해 “현대 생활에서, 거의 모든 가정이 보유하고 있는 TV가 필수품으로 간주되는 것을 부인할 수 없다.”고 말했다.

■ damages 피해 보상금
■ faulty 결점이 있는, 불완전한
■ essential 필수적인
■ home appliances 가전제품
■ inflict 주다, 과하다

■ A Brazilian judge awarded $2,600 in damages to a man who sued a store for not replacing his faulty TV set.
■ In modern damage life, you cannot deny that a TV set, present in almost all homes, is considered an essential good.

<> - Woman jailed over $30,000 parking fine
An Austrian woman has begun a 500-day jail sentences for ignoring parking tickets and failing to pay a cumulative fine of around 24,000 euros (≒ $30,860), police said. They said the 38-year-old civil servant from the southern city of Graz was jailed after ignoring 700 attempts by local authorities to notify her of the fines over a 2-year period. Under Austrian law, the woman could only spend 42 days at a time in jail for this offence. So her term would be split into several stints behind bars.

주차 위반 벌금 3만 달러 무시했다가 감옥행
주차 위반 딱지를 무시하고 누적된 벌금액 약 24,000유로 (≒30,860달러)를 내지 않은 오스트리아의 한 여성에게 500일의 징역형이 선고됐다고 경찰이 밝혔다. 남부 그라츠 시에서 공무원으로 재직 중인 38세의 이 여성은 자신에게 고지된 700장의 벌금 고지서를 2년 넘게 무시해 결국 쇠고랑을 차게 됐다고. 오스트리아 법에 따르면 이 여성이 저지른 위반 행위로는 한 번에 42일까지만 수감될 수 있기 때문에, 이 여성은 몇 번에 걸쳐서 징역형을 살아야 한다.

■ cumulative 누적된
■ civil servant 공무원
■ notify 고지하다, 공지하다
■ offence 위반 행위
■ stint 할당된 기간, 일정 기간
■ behind bars 옥중에서

■ An Austrian woman has begun a 500-day jail sentences for ignoring parking tickets and failing to pay a cumulative fine of around 24,000 euros.
■ Her term would be split into several stints behind bars.

1. Listen to the following sentence and fill in the blank.
He helped create a computer software program that is used for animation and ______________________.

2. In the space below, please transcribe the sentence that will be read twice.

*Listen to the following and answer Question 3.
3. Based on what the speaker said, which of the following is not correct?
(A) A blood test during pregnancy might help diagnose the possibility of postpartum depression.
(B) Pregnant women with lower levels of the specific hormone have less chance of suffering postpartum depression.
(C) A blood test during pregnancy might help prevent postpartum depression.

4. Which of the following would flow the most naturally after the phrase below?
Key mobile phone industry players have agreed to fit phones with the same power socket by 2012. It is expected that mobile phoned will be shipped without a charging plug and cable, _______________________________.
(A) because they will not need to be charged any more
(B) because everybody would have one
(C) because they are going to disappear

*Listen to the following and answer Question 5.
5. According to the sentence, the following is either true or false. Please circle the correct answer.
Scientists have excavated the almost complete skeleton of a mammoth that died 5 years ago. (T), (F)

1. special effects
2. The U.S. is willing to normalize diplomatic ties with North Korea.
3. (C) 4. (B) 5.(F)


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