For listening 06-29-09 (MON) > 영어교실

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영어 교실


선생님 For listening 06-29-09 (MON)

페이지 정보


귀가트이는영어-귀트영-EBS- 5월 23일

Listening Booster 1 - Fashion robot to hit Tokyo catwalks

A Japanese humanoid robot will soon be walking on the fashion catwalk. The sleek HRP-4C runs on battery-powered motors located in her body and face allowing the expression!s, gait and poses of a supermodel. The current 43 kg, 158 cm model has slimmed –down from an earlier 58kg robot ahead of a Tokyo fashion show debut. Its new shape is designed to match the average Japanese woman and has eyes, face and hair based on Japanese “anime” comics.

패션모델 로봇, 도쿄 패션쇼 출연 예정
일본에서 개발된 휴머노이드 로봇이 패션쇼에 조만간 출연할 예정이다. 매끈한 모습의 이 HRP-4C 로봇은 몸과 얼굴에 배터리로 작동되는 모터가 장착되어 있어 슈퍼모델의 표정과 걸음걸이, 포즈를 흉내 낼 수 있다. 원래는 158cm의 키에 58kg 의 체중이었는데, 도쿄 패션쇼 데뷔를 앞두고 43kg의 몸매로 가꾸어졌다. 일본 여성의 평균 체형에 맞도록 새로 디자인 된 것. 그리고 이 로봇의 눈과 얼굴, 머리칼은 일본 ‘아니메’ 만화를 본떠 만들어졌다.

Key Words & Expression!s

♡ Humanoid 인간에 가까운
♡ Catwalk 객석으로 돌출된 좁다란 무대
♡ Sleek 매끄러운
♡ Battery-powered 배터리로 작동하는
♡ Gait 걸음걸이

Pronunciation Pointers

♡ A Japanese humanoid robot will soon be walking on the fashion catwalk.
♡ Its new shape is designed to match the average Japanese woman and has eyes, face and hair based on Japanese “anime” comics.

Listening Booster 2 - Portugal aims to cut stroke deaths by curbing salt

Alarmed by high death rates form strokes in Portugal, members of the ruling Socialist party submitted a bill to parliament to slash the use of salt in bread, blamed for many blood pressure problems. The country’s key dietary staple has made the Portuguese accustomed to using more salt in food than other nations, and bakers add generous amounts to their dough. Bread is one of the main sources of salt intake and many Portuguese eat it with every meal.

포르투갈, 염분 규제로 뇌졸중 사망 감소 노력
포르투갈에서는 높은 뇌졸중 사망률에 충격을 받은 사회주의 여당위원들이 빵을 만들 때 들어가는 소금의 양을 줄여야 한다는 법안을 의회에 제출했다. 소금이 많은 혈압 문제의 원인으로 손꼽히고 있기 때문. 이 나라의 주식인 소금이 많이 함유된 빵은 포르투갈 인들의 음식을 통한 염분 섭취량을 다른 국가보다 늘어나게 했고, 제빵사들도 반죽에 소금을 많이 첨가하는 실정이다. 빵은 염분 섭취의 주범인데 많은 포르투갈 인들은 빵을 매 끼니마다 먹고 있다고 한다.

Key Words & Expression!s
♡ Alarm 놀라게 하다; 자명종
♡ Stroke 뇌졸중
♡ Slash 베다, 낮추다
♡ Staple 기본 식료품, 주식
♡ Generous 아끼지 않는, 후한

Pronunciation Pointers

♡ Alarmed by high death rates form strokes in Portugal, members of the ruling Socialist party submitted a bill to parliament to slash the use of salt in bread.
♡ The country’s key dietary staple has made the Portuguese accustomed to using more salt in food than other nations.

Weekly Test

1. Listen to the following sentence and fill in the blank.
What if I just gave a ________________ version without the down and dirty details?

2. In the space below, please transcribe the sentence that will be read twice.

3. Based on what the speakers said, which of the following is not correct?
(A) The United State’s financial risk level is lower than that of Korea.
(B) Korea’s financial market is less vulnerable than that of the United States.
(C) The higher the ranking on the scorecard, the more vulnerable a country’s financial market.

4. Which of the following would flow the most naturally after the sentences below?
Oklahoma and Utah are leading in going wireless. At least 26 percent of households are now cell phone-only in both states, according to a study.
(A) The study shows that home phones have completely become a thing of the past in Oklahoma.
(B) The study is sure to be watched closely by telecommunications companies trying to understand local markets better.
(C) The study shows that people in Utah are struggling to make ends meet.

* Listen to the following and answer Question 5.
5. According to the dialogue, the following is either true or false. Please circle the correct answer.
The man’s hand turned red after eating the cupcake. (T/F)

1. watered-down
2. Educational institutions were well-represented at the fair.
3. (A)
4. (B)
5. F


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