For listening Feb 17 (Tue) > 영어교실

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영어 교실


선생님 For listening Feb 17 (Tue)

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귀가트이는영어-귀트영-EBS 1월 17일 - 스크립트-MP3-요약-정리-

- Canadian prisoner gets released early for being too fat

Canadian prison authorities were forced to release a 450-pound (≒205kg) drug gang member because he was too large for his cell. Michel Lapointe – known as Big Mike – was arrested in September 2006 and received a five-year sentence in May 2008. The authorities said he could not fit on the chair in his prison cell and when he went to bad, his body protruded six inches on either side.

너무 뚱뚱해서 석방된 죄수
캐나다에서는 교정 당국이 체중이 450파운드(≒250kg)인 재소자를 석방할 수 밖에 없는 일이 벌어졌다. 마약 갱 조직의 일원인 이 죄수가 너무 거구인 탓에 독방에서 생활할 수가 없었기 때문. ‘빅 마이크’로 알려져 있는 미셸 라포인츠라는 이름의 이 재소자는 2006년 9월 체포되어 2008년 5월에 징역 5년 형을 선고 받았다. 당국은 그가 독방 의자에 않을 수가 없는 점, 그리고 침대에 누우면 양쪽으로 6인치의 몸이 침대 밖으로 나오는 점을 설명했다.

■ prison authorities 교정 당국
■ cell 독방
■ arrest 연행하다, 체포하다
■ sentence (징역) 형, (벌금) 형
■ fit ~에 딱 들어맞다
■ protrude 튀어나오다

■ Canadian prison authorities were forced to release a 450-pound (≒205kg) drug gang member because he was too large for his cell.
■ The authorities said he could not fit on the chair in his prison cell and when he went to bad, his body protruded six inches on either side.

- Jilted lover accidentally blows up building

A German charged with murder for causing a gas explosion that destroyed half an apartment building and killed his neighbor, told a court he was only trying to kill himself because he was lovesick. The 22-year old man said he had opened the natural gas taps in his apartment in tending to commit suicide after his girlfriend broke up with him by phone. The man and his ex-girlfriend survived the blast.

실연 당한 후 실수로 건물을 폭파시킨 남자
한 독일 남성이 가스 폭발을 일으켜 자신의 아파트 건물 절반이 파괴되어 주민 한 명이 목숨을 잃음에 따라 살인 혐의로 기소되었다. 이 남성은 실연 당한 후 자살하려 한 것 뿐이라고 법정에서 말했다. 22세의 이 남성은 여자친구가 전화로 이별을 통보한 후 자살을 하려고 아파트 가스 밸브를 열어 놓았다고 말했다. 이 남성과 전 여자친구는 폭발에서 살아남았다.

■ murder 살인
■ gas explosion 가스 폭발
■ lovesick 상사병을 앓는
■ tap 밸브
■ commit suicide 자살하다
■ blast 폭발
■ The 22-year old man said he had opened the natural gas taps in his apartment in tending to commit suicide after his girlfriend broke up with him by phone.
■ The man and his ex-girlfriend survived the blast.

1. Listen to the following sentence and fill in the blank.
The ______ occurred more than 340 kilometers above the earth.

2. In the space below, please transcribe the sentence that will be read twice.
___ _________ ____ _____ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ _________.

* Listen to the following and answer Question 3.
3. Based on what the speaker said, which of the following is not correct?
(A) Dokdo has been the focus of bilateral disputes between Korea and Japan.
(B) International journalists have frequented Dokdo.
(C) International journalists have never visited Dokdo until now.

4. Which of the following would flow the most naturally after the phrase below?
Traditional fashion wisdom says warm colors, like light brown, are the “it” colors for autumn, ____________________.
(A) but 2008 was an exception
(B) and that’s why many people wore blue in the fall of 2008
(C) and that’s why the color white was in vogue last fall

* Listen to the following and answer Question 5.
5. According to the sentence, the following is either true or false. Please circle the correct answer.
Paul McCartney is currently recording an experimental track with The Beatles. (T), (F)


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