For listening 03-10-09 (Tue) > 영어교실

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영어 교실


선생님 For listening 03-10-09 (Tue)

페이지 정보


귀가트이는영어-귀트영-EBS 2월 7일 - 스크립트-MP3-요약-정리-

- Weight loss easier when you get paid for it

Losing weight is easier when there is money on the line, U.S. researchers said. They said weight-loss programs that reward people with money provided a powerful incentive to loss weight compared with more conventional approaches. The researchers said many weight-loss programs fail because people are being asked to make sacrifices now for rewards in the future.

금전적 보상이 있으면 살도 더 잘 빠져
돈이 걸려 있으면 체중 감량이 더 쉽다고 미국 연구진이 밝혔다. 기존의 접근 방식과 비교해 볼 때, 체중을 감량하려는 사람들에게 돈으로 보상을 해 주는 프로그램들은 강한 자극을 줄 수 있다는 것이다. 연구진은 체중 감량 프로그램이 사람들에게 미래에 받을 보상을 위해 현재에 희생을 하도록 요구하기 때문에 실패하는 것이라고 말했다.

■ lose weight 체중을 감량하다
■ on the line 걸려 있는
■ reward 보상하다
■ conventional 재래식의, 기존의
■ make a sacrifice 희생하다

■ Losing weight is easier when there is money on the line.
■ The researchers said many weight-loss programs fail because people are being asked to make sacrifices now for rewards in the future.

<> - Envy is a dog’s life

Dogs can sniff out unfair situations and show a simple emotion similar to envy or jealousy, Austrian researchers reported. Dogs sulked and refused to shake paws if other dogs got treats for tricks and they did not, said an animal psychologist who led the study into canine emotions. The study also showed dogs licked and scratched themselves and acted stressed when they were denied rewards given to other dogs.

개도 다른 개를 부러워한다
개들도 불공평한 상황은 눈치를 채고 단순하나마 부러움이나 질투와 비슷한 감정을 드러낸다고 오스트리아 연구진들이 보고했다. 다른 개들이 재주를 부리고 간식을 받을 때 이를 받지 못한 개들은 시무룩해 하면서 발 흔들기를 거부했다고, 개의 감정에 대한 이번 연구를 이끈 동물 심리학자가 말했다. 또 다른 개들이 보상을 받을 때 이를 거부당한 개들은 몸을 핥고 긁으면서 스트레스를 받은 듯 행동했다고 연구 결과 나타났다.

■ sniff out 낌새를 알아채다
■ sulk 부루퉁해지다
■ paw (개, 고양이 등의) 발
■ treat 간식
■ canine 개의, 개 같은

■ Dogs can sniff out unfair situations and show a simple emotion similar to envy or jealousy.
■ Dogs sulked and refused to shake paws if other dogs got treats for tricks and they did not.

1. Listen to the following sentence and fill in the blank.
Can you go ____ ___ the portside ropes?

2. In the space below, please transcribe the sentence that will be read twice.
__ _____ __ __________ ____ __ _______ __ __ _____ ____ __ _____.

* Listen to the following and answer Question 3.
3. Based on what the speaker said, which of the following is not correct?
(A) There have been no terror strikes in India until the recent one that has
hit Mumbai.
(B) Mumbai is India’s business hub.
(C) The terrorists did not plant bombs at public places this time.

4. Which of the following would flow the most naturally after the phrase below?
When the mobile phone market crashed in 2001, replacement sales tumbled but sales
to first subscribers continued to grow, _________________.
(A) due to the low penetration of TVs
(B) due to the low penetration of mobile phones
(C) because almost all teenagers already owned mobile phones

* Listen to the following and answer Question 5.
5. According to the sentence, the following is either true or false. Please circle the
correct answer.
Ivy get sick whenever she’s on a boat. (T),(F)

1. cast off
2. No truck in California will be allowed to be older than 13 years.
3. (A)
4. (B)
5. (F)


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