For Listening Feb. 24 (Tu) > 영어교실

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선생님 For Listening Feb. 24 (Tu)

페이지 정보


귀트영 1월 24일

- Desert park closed to prevent summer deaths

Australia’s harsh Simpson Desert conservation park will be closed during the southern hemisphere summer to prevent tourists dying in the outback. Temperatures in the Desert are forecast to reach 40 to 50 degrees Celsius and authorities said it would be too dangerous for people to try and cross the desert. The Simpson Desert has no official roads – just tracks which criss-cross some of the world’s longest sand dunes. The park will be closed until March 15.

호주 사막, 열사 방지를 위해 폐쇄
호주의 험한 심슨 사막 공원이 남반구의 여름 기간 동안 관광객이 사망하는 것을 막기 위해 폐쇄된다. 기온이 섭씨 40도에서 50도까지 올라갈 것으로 예측됨에 따라, 사막 횡단을 시도하는 사람들에게는 너무 위험할 것이라고 당국이 결정을 내린 것, 심슨 사막에는 공식 도로가 없고, 단지 세계 최장 모래 언덕을 가로지르는 트랙들만이 있을 뿐이다. 사막 공원은 3월 15일까지 폐쇄된다.

■ harsh 험난한, 힘든
■ southern hemisphere 남반구
■ the outback 미개척지의 오지, 호주
■ Celsius 섭씨
■ criss-cross 엇갈리다, 가로지르다
■ dune 사구, 모래 언덕

■ Australia’s harsh Simpson Desert conservation park will be closed during the southern hemisphere summer to prevent tourists dying in the outback.
■ Temperatures in the Desert are forecast to reach 40 to 50 degrees Celsius and authorities said it would be too dangerous for people to try and cross the desert.

- Tomboy protests are a security threat?

Malaysia’s police say protests over an edict against Muslim women wearing trousers are a security threat. The government of Malaysia, a mainly Muslim country, recently issued a religious ruling that wearing trousers was un-Islamic. It said that, by wearing trousers, young girls risked becoming “tomboys.” That move triggered small protests from two non-Muslim non-government organizations.

말괄량이들의 시위가 보안 위협?
말레이시아 경찰은 무슬림 여성의 바지 착용을 금지하는 칙령에 반대 시위를 벌이는 것이 보안에 위협이 된다고 말했다. 대부분의 인구가 무슬림인 말레이시아에서는 최근 바지를 입는 것이 이슬람 교리에 반하는 것이라는 종교 칙령을 내린 바 있다. 바지를 입으면 어린 소녀들이 ‘말괄량이’가 될 수도 있다는 내용이다. 이에 따라 비무슬림 비정부기구 도 곳에서 소규모 시위를 벌인 바 있다.

■ edict 포고, 칙령
■ trousers 바지
■ religious ruling 율법에 따른 결정
■ un-Islamic 이슬람 교리에 위배되는
■ tomboy 말괄량이
■ trigger 유발하다

■ Malaysia’s police say protests over an edict against Muslim women wearing trousers are a security threat.
■ The government of Malaysia, a mainly Muslim country, recently issued a religious ruling that wearing trousers was un-Islamic.

1 Listen to the following sentence and fill in the blank.
Children are learning Ukrainian in school from _____ ___.

2. In the space below, please transcribe the sentence the will be read twice.
___ ______ ____ _____ _ _______.

* Listen to the following and answer Question 3.
3. Based on what the speaker said, which of the following in not correct?
(A) Ninety percent of people aged between 12 and 24 live in developing countries.
(B) The number of young people, aged between 12 and 24, stands at 1.5 billion across the globe.
(C) Statistics show that the number of people aged between 12 and 24 is falling.

4. Which of the following would flow the most naturally after the phrase below?
Hundreds of U.S. consumers have recently participated in a national “Eat Local Challenge” They committed themselves ________________________________.
(A) to eating only locally grown food for a period of 30 days.
(B) to selling import!ed food
(C) to cutting down on eating

* Listening to the following and answer Question 5.
5. According to the sentence, the following is either true or false. Please circle the correct answer.
Kangaroos are the national animal of China. (T),(F)


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