귀트영 12월 20일 (토) > 영어교실

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선생님 귀트영 12월 20일 (토)

페이지 정보


귀트영 11월 22일 – 토

<<Listening Booster 1>> - Lost cat returned home after 9 years
A couple in the United Kingdom has been reunited with their missing cat after nine years. Dixie, a 15-year-old cat, disappeared in 1999 and her owners thought she had been killed by a car. The cat was found less than half a mile from her home after a concerned resident reported that a skinny cat had been in the area for a couple of months. Officials checked the cat’s microchip and confirm!ed it was Dixie. She was returned to her owners within half an hour.

<<9년 만에 집에 돌아온 고양이>>
영국의 한 부부가 잃어버린 고양이와 9년 만에 상봉했다. 15살 난 고양이 딕시가 사라진 것은 1999년의 일, 주인들은 자동차 사고로 숨졌을 것이라고 짐작하고 있었다. 하지만 딕시는 최근 주인이 살고 있는 집에서 반 마일도 떨어지지 않은 곳에서 발견되었다. 한 걱정했던 주민이 삐쩍 마른 고양이가 두 달 전부터 동네에서 돌아다닌다고 신고했던 것. 관계자들은 고양이의 마이크로칩 정보를 판독해 딕시라는 것을 확인했다. 딕시는 그로부터 30분 이내에 주인의 품에 안기게 되었다.

<<Key Words & Expression!>>
reunite 재결합시키다, 상봉하게 하다
missing 분실한, 행방불명인
disappear 사라지다, 안 보이게 되다
concerned 염려하는, 근심하는
resident 거주자, 주민
microchip 마이크로칩, 집적회로

<<Listening Booster 2>> - Angry commuters torch train in rush hour
Furious rail commuters in Argentina set fire to a train because of delays during the morning rush hour. Television images showed black smoke and flames engulfing the train at a station near Buenos Aires. Passengers also hurled stones at the ticket office, saying that the delays, caused by a broken-down train, had cost them a day’s work. Argentina’s dilapidated rail system is plagued by delays and travelers’ anger sometimes erupts into violence.

<<출근 시간에 승객들이 열차에 불 질러>>
아르헨티나에서는 아침 출근 시간에 열차가 지연되자 화가 난 승객들이 열차에 불을 질렀다. 부에노스아이레스 근처의 한 역에서 화염과 검은 연기에 휩싸여 있는 열차의 모습이 TV에 방영되기도 했다. 승객들은 고장난 열차 때문에 일어난 이번 지연 사고로 인해 하루 일을 하지 못했다며 매표소에 돌을 던지기도 했다. 아르헨티나의 부실한 철도 시스템은 지연 사고가 일어나기 일쑤여서 화난 승객들의 폭력을 사용하는 경우도 종종 발생한다.

<<Key Words & Expression!>>
furious 격노한, 화를 내는
engulf 뒤덮다, 감싸다
hurl 세게 내던지다, 퍼붓다
broken-down 고장난, 망가진
dilapidated 황폐한, 초라한
plague 대량 발생하다, 귀찮게 하다

<<Listening Barometer>>
Weekly Test
1. Listen to the following sentence and fill in the blank.
There were around ______________________________.

2. In the space below, please transcribe the sentence that will be read twice.

Listen to the following and answer Question 3.
3. Based on what the speaker said, which of the following is not correct?
(A) EU lawmakers voted to use crop-based biofuels for 20 percent of its road transport needs.
(B) The 10 percent target had been criticized by environmentalists.
(C) Environmental groups had said the EU’s target harmed effort to fight poverty.

4. Which of the following would flow the most naturally after the phrase below?
It is one of the most novel overnight stays you are ever likely to experience. Jumbo Hostel is an old Boeing 747 ___________________________.
(A) which is being sold at the Stockholm Airport
(B) which is being converted into a 25-room hostel
(C) which is being destroyed after 25 years of service

Listen to the following sentence and answer Question 5.
5. According to the sentence, the following is either true or false. Please circle the correct answer.
There have been no delays in Argentina’s rail system.          (T)/(F)

1. 30,000 displaced children
2. He’s putting the nails in his own coffin.
3. (A)
4. (B)
5. (F)


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