귀트영 12월 29일 (월) > 영어교실

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영어 교실


선생님 귀트영 12월 29일 (월)

페이지 정보


귀트영 11월 29일 – 토

<<Listening Booster 1>> - Bells ring in Moscow after 80-year exile
A set of church bells rang for the first time after being returned to Moscow’s oldest monastery from the U.S. nearly 80 years after they were sold off as scrap under Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. The Soviet authorities stripped 18 bells from the monastery as part of a campaign against religion and put them up for sale. U.S. industrialist Charles Crane saved them from being melted down and donated them to Harvard University, where they hung in a tower for decades.

<<80년 만에 처음으로 울린 종>>
소련의 독재자 요세프 스탈린 정권 하에서 고철로 판매되어 미국에서 80여년간 보관되었던 교회종들이 모스크바에서 가장 오래된 수도원으로 다시 옮겨져 처음으로 울렸다. 구소련 당국이 종교에 대한 반대 운동의 일환으로 이 수도원에서 종 18개를 철거하여 이들을 팔기 위해 내놓았던 것이다. 녹여질 뻔한 이 종들을 미국의 기업가 찰스 크레인이 사들여 하버드 대학에 기증했고, 종들은 대학 안의 한 탑 안에 수십 년 동안 걸려 있었다.

<<Key Words & Expression!s>>
monastery 수도원
sell off 싸게 방출하다
scrap 고철, 자투리
put (something) up for sale 팔기 위해 ~을 내놓다
barbed-wire 가시철망, 철조망
industrialist 기업가, 실업가
melt down 녹이다

<<Listening Booster 2>> - Berlin sweet shop closed after marijuana is found.
Police closed down a Berlin sweet shop after discovering the owner was selling chocolates and lollipops laced with marijuana. The 23-year old owner of the shop was taken into custody on suspicion of drug-dealing. ‘In the shop we found countless cannabis lollipops,” said police, who confiscated around 70sachets containing various drugs, about 20 marijuana joints, a range of pills and some jars of drug-laced honey.

<<마약 초콜릿 팔던 베를린 상점 폐쇄>>
베를린에서 초콜릿과 막대사탕에 대마초를 섞어 팔던 사탕 가게를 경찰이 폐쇄했다. 23세의 가게 주인은 마약 거래 혐의로 수감되었다. 경찰은 ‘가게 안에서 셀 수 없을 만큼의 대마초 막대사탕을 발견했다”고 밝혔다. 경찰은 여러 가지 마약이 담긴 작은 봉지 70여개를 비롯, 대마초 담배 약 20가치와 함께 각종 알약들, 또 대마초를 섞은 꿀병들을 압수했다.

<<Key Words & Expression!s>>
lollipop 막대 사탕
lace (술, 약 등을) 섞다
take into custody 수감되다
cannabis 대마초
confiscate 몰수하다, 압수하다
sachet 작은 봉지

<<Listening Barometer>>
Weekly Test
1. Listen to the following sentence and fill in the blank.
  The number of people ______________________ of not being able to feed themselves has nearly doubled.
2. In the space below, please transcribe the sentence that will be read twice.

• Listen to the following and answer Question 3.
3. Based on what the speaker said, which of the following is not correct?
  (A) The first-ever successful liver transplant has been performed in Korea.
(B) The transplant is meaningful because the liver was harvested from a dead person.
(C) The liver was transplanted to a terminal patient.

4. Which of the following would flow the most naturally after the phrase below?
Apple said their new USB power adapter is a safety hazard. The company issued a
statement, saying ____________________.
(A) that the adapter will continue to be sold worldwide
(B) that the adapter is one of the best products that Apple had made
(C) that the adaptor’s metal prongs can break off
• Listen to the following sentence and answer Question 5.
5. According to the sentence, the following is either true or false. Please circle the correct answer.
Zimbabwe is suffering from a high inflation        (T)/(F)

1. on the brink
2. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.
3. (A)
4. (C)
5. (T)


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